How to look inside yourself to find yourself
A step-by-step guide on looking inside yourself
Emit Eht is a speculative romantic Climate Fiction exploring connections between OOPArts and humans, Vedas and History, and legends and reality. It is a tale about discovering secrets of our past and asking ourselves if what we know about human History is all a lie. Is our past more closely connected with our future than we know?
Emit Eht started with a strange flash of visions in my mind as I was meditating one day in January 2017. It would need two and a half years and corona virus lockdown to become a book.
During the course of my writing Emit Eht, I noticed weird coincidences happening around me: Whatever I wrote would be in some form or the other in international news within 1-4 days. You can find more details on 'Coincidences' or just scroll below.
A little computer prodigy girl with a brain that is really only a cold computer. She refuses to believe the world is what everyone says it is. She has her own ideas. She defies everyone to discover the truth. But the truth is not what she was expecting....
A step-by-step guide on looking inside yourself
Machiavelli: The father of modern political philosophy
INFJs are driven by their sense of individuality, authenticity, depth, truth, and honesty which makes it hard for them to be liked by most people who are by and large, let's admit, superficial, self-interest-serving, and lacking depth.