Emit Eht
Emit Eht was #5 on Amazon's top 100 best selling new and future release in Metaphysical and Visionary Fiction
Emit Eht is a speculative romantic Climate Fiction exploring connections between OOPArts and humans, Vedas and History, and legends and reality. It is a tale about discovering secrets of our past and asking ourselves if what we know about human History is all a lie. Is our past more closely connected with our future than we know?
Emit Eht started with a strange flash of visions in my mind as I was meditating one day in January 2017. It would need two and a half years and corona virus lockdown to become a book.
During the course of my writing Emit Eht, I noticed weird coincidences happening around me: Whatever I wrote would be in some form or the other in international news within 1-4 days. You can find more details on 'Coincidences' or just scroll below.